Website Advertising
SNA’s website averages more than 65,000 sessions (visits)
and 42,000 unique users every single month!
One-Month Display Ad Rates:
$1,500 for an ad on the SchoolNutrition.org home page
$1,000 for an ad on interior run of site

Ads on the home page will rotate with other ads. Each ad will hyperlink to the advertiser’s designated url.
Submit materials to: Stephanie Frank | 410-584-1935 | stephanie.frank@wearemci.com
Limited Inventory
Product Specifications

Home Page Banner
1456x180 pixels; jpg, gif, or png files accepted; URL

Interior Run of Site Banner
1456x180 and 600x500 pixels; jpg, gif, or png filed accepted; URL

Image Format
.JPG or .GIF Animation:
8-second limit maximum File size: 40K