E-Newsletter Advertising
SN Express
SN Express is a weekly e-newsletter delivered to SNA members and other child nutrition audiences. Recently rebranded, it features the latest SNA updates, key legislative and policy news, timely resources and more. As of 2023, approximately 50,000+ readers receive SN Express each week. Forty-eight issues are available each year. Contact your SNA sales representative for rates, dates and other material specifications.
1200x300 pixels; PNG, less than 1MB, JPG or GIF file,
Image: 1200x400 pixels; PNG, less than 1MB
Text: 75 words max with 1 link
SNA will include "A Message From (company name)”.
SNA reserves the right to make minor grammatical changes.
Limited Inventory

open rate
click thru rate
Top Banner: $1,650/issue
Bottom Banner: $1,500/issue
Content Card: $2,750/issue
Exclusive Issue Takeover (both banners + content card): $5,000
Bundle Pricing:
(4+) Top Banner: $1,500/issue
(4+) Bottom Banner: $1,250/issue
(4+) Content Card: $2,500/issue
(4+) Exclusive Issue Takeover (both banners + content card): $4,500
Side Dish
SN Side Dish — a short, advertorial-style e-blast featuring content/messaging fully directed by the advertiser — featuring a link to a specific resource offered by the advertiser.
100% Share of Voice
Leveraging the power of the SN brand, this partner content opportunity puts an advertiser’s products, resources, commitment, expertise, and thought leadership forward in a singular fashion.
Delivered digitally to operator inboxes, (nearly 40,000 total of SNA’s key membership), and posted to a dedicated section of SN’s web pages. The product will be identified as ‘partner content’ (2 different package opportunities available;
see below).
Rate for Package #1: $6,500/issue (Sponsor provides materials)
Rate for Package #2: $7,250/issue (SNA develops materials)
Advertiser supplies:
Large Headliner Ad: 1,200 pixels wide; 400 to 800 pixels high
Subject line and a pre-header
200-300 words of copy
2 Photos – Can use vertical or horizontal but maximum of 400 pixels wide
1 ‘Extra’ Element with a link: Could be a video, recipe, downloadable resource,
QR Code, Coupon, FAQs, Exclusive Offer, or other -
Logo, URL, and 25-40 words of copy (can and any social media link here as well)
Must include the URLs for each button/link provided within the e-blast
We suggest sending a mockup along with the content. This helps ensure that each element is placed correctly.

For questions about submitting your ad contact:
Stephanie Frank | 410-584-1935 | stephanie.frank@wearemci.com